The "Furugo Technics" series is created by artisans in Tsubame Sanjo, Niigata Prefecture. Easy to use snow pan with spout on left and right sides Made in Tsubame Sanjo
Product Specifications: Product Name: Goji Stainless Steel Snow Pan, 5.9 inches (15 cm); JAN: 497948792552; Material: Main body: 21-0 stainless steel, Handle: Natural wood; Product dimensions: Total length: 12.2 inches (310 mm); Total width: 6.4 inches (163 mm); Height: 365 g); Full capacity: 4.2 fl oz (1.2 fl oz (1 fl oz (1.2 fl oz (1.2 ml). Made in Japan
Gogi (Gougi) Artisans supporting local industry, mainly metal processing in the Tsubame Sanjo area of Niigata Prefecture. The craftsmanship that we have acquired over the years we named it "Gougi". We provide the crafty of hometown, and the state of specialists in each field. In addition, the dialect communicated to the Ochi area of Niigata Prefecture, has the same meanings as "very and sugar"